Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Beating the Heat August 17, 2011

Running in Maine is definitely an experience, especially when the weather does not cooperate.  The problem is getting your body used to running in specific temperatures.  There are no specific temperatures in Maine.  For instance, yesterday it was rainy with a high of about 50 degrees Fahrenheit.  Today, it is sunny and in the 80s.  That's a difference of 30 degrees in less than 24 hours!  Running in 80 degree weather, after experiencing 50 degree weather, is tough for a beginner.  This summer, I have yet to figure out the best way to adjust my body to the temperatures while still making gains in my program.  Each warm or hot day feels like a setback and it is very frustrating!

Although, during the last stint of rainy weather, as I was on the couch watching TV, I came across a program on Maine PBS.  Did you know that there are actual people who run races out in Death Valley?   I had no idea that there were people that, let's say, unique.  The races are usually run in February, during the "cold" season (about 70 or 80 degrees), but these diehards were running it in the summer where the temperature was a crazy 130 degrees!  I still can't tell whether I am impressed with their bravery, or dismayed at their "throw caution to the wind" mentality.  But, I will say one thing for them, they are definitely dedicated runners!  I can respect them!  And, in the words of my friend Sarah (who said it best), "I have respect for anyone who wants to run anywhere!"   

I guess that is one of the biggest differences between myself and these hardcore runners.  They seem to get pleasure out of their running WHILE they are running.  I have realized that, for the most part, I don't.  I can appreciate my accomplishment after I finish, but during the actual running I find it far from pleasurable.  I know, in the end, it is good for me and it will help me lead a healthier and happier life.  But, at times like today, when my motivation is out the window, I have to reflect on the words of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who encourages us to ask ourselves "Will it make you happy?"  And, while running may not be pleasurable everyday, in the long run it can help make us happy!  So, keep running and remember, you could always be running in 130 degree weather in Death Valley.  There is always a bright side to everything!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I found your blog through Abby Austin. Sounds like you are doing the right thing. I am struggling through any exercise right now and I feel the same way about those people who can't wait to get up and work out. I hope one day I can be that way!
